March 2024

Access requests

  • Data owner access approvals. Added feature for database owners to approve access requests that involve their data. See the approvals by data owners docs for more information.

  • Sync faster. Spyglass now runs a sync immediately after an access request is successfully applied.

  • Page enhancements. Improved the look and feel of the access requests page, including how information is organized in the panels.

  • Better filters. Added ability to filter access requests by a date range on the access request listing page.

  • Sync clarity and speed. Sync status is now updated live in the upper-right corner of the web UI. Additionally, YAML updates are now pushed to web clients, instead of becoming stale until the user refreshes the page or navigates to a new page.

  • Scale improvements. Fixed an issue that could cause large YAML files to fail to be downloaded.

  • Access snapshots. Added the Snapshots page with the ability to see changes between snapshots and rollback access to a previous snapshot. See the snapshots docs for more information.


  • Inheritance reporting. Fixed an issue where roles that had “ownership” on another role implied inheritance of that role’s permissions.

  • See what's new. Recently-provisioned databases/schemas are now visible on the main explorer page.

Functional roles

  • More templates. Added access templates for procedures and functions.

  • Ownership visibility. Added column that shows which databases are owned by each functional role in the primary functional roles table.


  • New recommendations. Added recommendations for over-provisioned access and roles that should be granted to the Sysadmin role. See the recommendations docs for more information.

User experience

  • Tooltips now reposition themselves to fit on the screen instead of wrapping text.

  • The snapshot restore button indicates that it is disabled in accounts when that is the case.

  • Fixed an issue when searching tables across many pages.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause UI error notifications to sometimes be hidden underneath the sidebar.

  • Fixed an issue where users could see a 404 when logging in.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause information to not be synchronized correctly when multiple browser tabs are open.

Last updated